Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the first Heidelberg Metabolomics Symposium – “Metabolomics in Cancer and Diabetes Research”, which will be held in Heidelberg, Germany, on March 26th, 2019 at the interdisciplinary Marsilius Kolleg at the life sciences campus Neuenheimer Feld.
Heidelberg is a major hub for biological and medical basic and translational research, and is home to six biological centers of Heidelberg University, University Hospital Heidelberg, German Cancer Research Center, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research and many companies with global outreach (BioRN Cluster).
The Heidelberg Metabolomics Symposium will bring together international, national and local experts in the field of Metabolomics, Cancer and Diabetes research to discuss the current state of the art in the clinical metabolomics field and to discuss future outlooks.
On behalf of the organizers, we are excited to invite you to the Heidelberg Metabolomics Symposium 2019 – we are looking forward to welcome you in Heidelberg!
Dr. Gernot Poschet

The Symposium is co-organized and generously supported by: